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All participants are expected to provide a full paper (collaborative or alone) based on his/her past, present or future research work on IS outsourcing. . The papers will be the basis of an edited book published by Springer. It is entitled Information Systems Outsourcing in the New Economy: Enduring Themes, Emergent Patterns and Future Directions.

Important Dates:

1st draft submission deadline:

May 01, 2001

Submission of presentation slides until

June 01, 2001

Notification/Coaching feedback for authors:

August 01, 2001

2nd and final submission of paper:

September 15, 2001



The papers should not exceed 10000 words - that means up to 20 single-spaced pages.
Springer sent us a template to produce a camera-ready printout for the book. We would like you to use this template when writing your article. If you already wrote it, please switch to the Springer template.

Download here!

This package contains the following Word for Windows (95)
document template Word-File: springer_template.dot (19 KB)
Right click for download.

The document template enables you to produce a camera-ready printout of your article easily and comfortably. Simply copy it into the template file of your WinWord (respectively Microsoft Office)programme. If you then begin a new document in your Word programme (file new), just choose the springer template. You can then call up the individual styles from the menu bar under the "Springer" menu. A new tool bar "Springer" includes the most important styles as buttons. If the tool bar does not appear when you first call up the document template, select it via "Tool bars" under "View". Working with templates is explained in detail in your Word for Windows handbook. We wish you success in working with the document template.

Please send your paper to Jens Dibbern

University of Bayreuth University of Bayreuth - Department of Informations Systems (BWL VII) Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum für Fragen der mittelständischen Wirtschaft e.V.

Last update: 16.07.2001

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