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Aubert, Benoit A. Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Montreal, CANADA benoit.aubert@hec.ca
Chin, Wynne University of Houston, Texas, USA wchin@uh.edu
Currie, Wendy L. Brunel University, Middlesex, UNITED KINGDOM wendy.currie@brunel.ac.uk
Deschoolmeester, Dirk Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, Gent, BELGIUM Dirk.Deschoolmeester@vlerick.be
Dibbern, Jens University of Bayreuth, GERMANY jens.dibbern@uni-bayreuth.de
Duncan, Nancy B. Kent State University, USA nduncan@bsa3.kent.edu
Goles, Tim University of Houston, Tx, USA tgoles@uh.edu
Griese, Joachim University of Berne, SWITZERLAND griese@im.iwi.unibe.ch
Gurbaxani, Vijay C. University of California, Irvine, USA vgurbaxa@uci.edu
Heinzl, Armin University of Bayreuth, GERMANY heinzl@uni-bayreuth.de
Hirschheim, Rudy University of Houston, USA rudy@uh.edu
Huynh, Minh Q. Washington State University, Vancouver, USA mqhuynh@vancouver.wsu.edu
Jayatilaka, Bandula University of Houston, Tx, USA bandula@uh.edu
Jurison, Jaak Fordham University, USA jurison@fordham.edu
Klein, Heinz K. Temple University, Philadelphia, USA hkklein@temple.edu
Kern, Thomas Erasmus University Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS tkern@fac.fbk.eur.nl
Knolmayer, Gerhard F. University of Berne, SWITZERLAND knolmayer@ie.iwi.unibe.ch
Lacity, Mary Cecelia University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA Mary.Lacity@UMSL.EDU
Marcolin, Barbara L. University of Calgary, CANADA marcolin@ucalgary.ca
Poppo, Laura Virginia Tech, USA lpoppo@vt.edu
Saaksjarvi, Markku Helsinki School of Economics, FINLAND saaks@hkkk.fi
Saunders, Carol University of Oklahoma, USA csaunders@ou.edu
Seltsikas, Philip Brunel University, Middlesex, UNITED KINGDOM phil.seltsikas@brunel.ac.uk
Slaughter, Sandra A. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA sandras@andrew.cmu.edu
Smith, Michael Alan University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA masmith@email.uncc.edu
Straub, Detmar W. Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA dstraub@cis.gsu.edu
Swagerman, Dirk University of Twente, NETHERLANDS d.swagerman@worldonline.nl
Swinarski, Matthew SUNY College at Fredonia, New York, USA matthew.swinarski@fredonia.edu
Teng, James T. C. University of South Carolina, USA fsujteng@darla.badm.scarolina.edu
Wassenaar, Arjen University of Twente, NETHERLANDS d.a.wassenaar@sms.utwente.nl
Wensley, Anthony K.P. University of Toronto, CANADA wensley@mgmt.utoronto.ca
Willcocks, Leslie P. University of Oxford/Templeton College, UNITED KINGDOM leslie.willcocks@templeton.oxford.ac.uk

University of Bayreuth University of Bayreuth - Department of Informations Systems (BWL VII) Betriebswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum für Fragen der mittelständischen Wirtschaft e.V.

Atraxis Siemens Triaton
Interion-Technologies Lohndirekt.de PriceWaterhouseCoopers Schmidtbank Systemhaus

Last update:16.07.2001

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